Softplay Options
Are you ready for your kids to feel Over the Moon? You can book online. Check out our inventory and book the item you want on the date that works for you. If you don't see what you are needing, please contact we will work to accommodate, Unfortunately, due to increased gas prices we are having to change up travel areas and fees. Mileage is $0.56 / mile and home base will be determined on what is most beneficial for client either Muskogee or Webbers Falls/Warner area. So, areas that will not have travel fee will be Muskogee, Warner, and Webbers Falls areas.
We have added several other packages for ages 6+ to teens. We have Nerf wars, SplatRball wars, picnic party with either Karaoke, Art, or outdoor movie,
Small playard area with coaster/train but no bounce house.
3 hr
250 US dollarsRental of Bumper Car setup, 4 bumper cars, with mat and fencing.
3 hr
$200, $150, $50White and grey softplay, customize balls and 1 hopper, grey mats,
3 hr
225 US dollarsGrey and white softplay setup with up and down coaster.
3 hr
300 US dollars3 hr
175 US dollars3 hr
250 US dollars3 hr
325 US dollars3 hr
125 US dollars3 hr
100 US dollarsPicnic party with Projector, 16 ft screen, and popcorn machine for 6
5 hr
275 US dollarsArt of choice for 6, $10 for each persona over 6 up to 10, picnic setu
3 hr
275 US dollars16 ft. movie screen, popcorn for 8 people, inflatable furniture
3 hr 30 min
175 US dollars3 hr
175 US dollarsSplatrball is a toy gun that shoots beads that have absorbed water.
2 hr
250 US dollars6 hr
15 US dollars4 hr
15 US dollars